My first play was produced in 1987.

Since then 29 more have had productions in NYC, New Orleans, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Canada, Australia, Shanghai – and published by Samuel French, Applause Books, and Playscripts. South of Sunset, a collection of nine early plays, published in 2015. In 2008 Panic received an Edgar Allan Poe Award for Best Play and my adaptation of Ellery Queen’s novel Calamity Town was named the 2016 Calgary Critics Award winner for Best New Script. I’ve adapted two of Rex Stout’s Nero Wolfe novels for the stage – The Red Box and Might as Well Be Dead.

My writing has appeared in Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine, Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine, Mystery Scene, Mystery Tribune, Crimespree, Retreats from Oblivion, Noir Riot, and Vacant Funhouse as well as two Mystery Writers of America anthologies published by Grand Central and Monkey Business: Crime Fiction Inspired by the Films of The Marx Brothers.